In the budget category, Samsung has launched two new smartphones with 5G connectivity in India. The new Galaxy A15 5G & Galaxy A25 5G comes with some impressive specs with a mid-range price range. Galaxy A15 offers a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display, MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ chip with 8GB RAM, 50MP main camera, 13MP selfie camera, 128GB storage, 5000mAh battery, and Android 13 software.
The big Galaxy A25 5G launches with a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED screen, Exynos 1280 chip, 8GB RAM, 128GB storage, 5000mAh battery, 50MP main camera with OIS support, 13MP secondary camera, and Android 13 software.
Both phones are eligible for 4-year software support from Samsung. In the coming days, they will receive the newest One UI 6.0 version till the One UI 9 version. In India, Galaxy A15 5G is priced at Rs. 19,500 for 8GB/128GB version, and Rs. 22,500 for 8GB/256GB variant. For Galaxy A25 5G, you have to pay Rs. 27,000 for 8GB/128GB model, and Rs. 30,000 for 8GB/256GB model.