In the latest statement, Google has decided to discontinue its Assistant support from the Samsung Smart TVs. It is official and Samsung has also confirmed it on the website. From March 1st this year, Google Assistant will no longer work with any Samsung Smart TVs including new or upcoming TVs. The company has posted it on Smart TVâs support page, and stated due to a change in Google Policy, the Assistant has been removed. Still, users can use home-nurtured Bixby and Alexa voice assistant services.
Here is the official termination statement, and the Smart TVs that were impacted by this decision.
Important: Due to a change in Google’s policy, Google Assistant will no longer be available on Samsung TVs beginning March 1st, 2024. Check out other options for voice Assistants on Smart TVs.
These Samsung Smart TVs come with Google Assistant support.
All 2022 Smart TV models
All 2021 Smart TV models
2020 8K and 4K QLED TVs
2020 Crystal UHD TVs
2020 Lifestyle TVs (Frame, Serif, Terrace, and Sero)