December month is completed and the race for the January security patch has been started among Galaxy devices. Surprizingly, by beating all the flagship smartphones, tablets, and foldables, the older Galaxy M32 has received a January 2024 security patch. It even surpassed the Galaxy S23 FE, Galaxy S21 FE, Galaxy A54 & A34 smartphones, which are hotcakes in their range.
The latest firmware M325FXXS9DWL2 has been applied in a 219MB file. Samsung mentioned upgrading its security with better code, and further, it squashed known bugs. The new software is now available in India to install. In the meantime, Galaxy Z Flip 4 & Fold 4 received the January security patch in the European region. The Galaxy S22, S23, Flip 5 & Fold 5 are in line to get their first updates in the new year.