Galaxy A72 was launched in 2021, and Samsung promised to release major software updates to it. It is now receiving massive Android 14 or One UI 6.0 versions in most countries. According to Samsung, it is the last Android version for it, and it will not get the Android 15 version. Now, the question is what about the other major updates from Samsung? Will Galaxy A72 get One UI 6.1 update in the future, or it is not eligible for further firmware from the company?
Yes, Galaxy A72 will get the One UI 6.1 update this year. It is eligible to receive another major update like its big brother Galaxy A73. There is no exact date when the company will release a new update for it, but we think that will happen in the first half of this year. It is early to say which new features will come, but definitely not AI functions, which are exclusive to premium devices. On the other hand, a couple of new features along with a handful of changes will come to Galaxy A72.