Samsung has received approval to launch a Sleep Apnea feature in the US for its Galaxy Watch series. The feature is available in other countries including South Korea, though the US department took some time. With vital sleep functions, users can detect signs of sleep apnea when they wear a Galaxy Watch while sleeping for straight two nights. Still, it is not sure which Galaxy Watch will get support for the function. To see the result, users can use the Samsung Health app or the dedicated sleep widget on the smartwatch.
It could first launch with Galaxy Watch 6, and there is a chance it will come to an older model. In South Korea, it is available for both Galaxy Watch 5 & Watch 6 series smartwatches. With Sleep Apnea, one more necessary health function came to the US, but users are still waiting for Blood Pressure in the Samsung Health Monitor app. The FDA has yet to clear the BP function on any Galaxy Watch series.