According to the latest rumor, Samsung is to introduce the most advanced 200MP main camera on the Galaxy Z Fold 6 foldable device. The source mentions it will be the same camera with the same quality that we have seen on the new Galaxy S24 Ultra. For years, the Galaxy Fold series always received previous-generation camera sensors even when they fell into the flagship category. If this becomes true, then Samsung is trying to give justice to the most expensive Galaxy foldable series.
Further, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 would get a bigger battery than the Fold 4 & Fold 5. It is not clear how much the battery has improved compared to other Galaxy devices. On the Galaxy Fold series, both these areas were neglected for years. The camera system on these foldable always received the previous tech, while the Galaxy S Ultra series always received the latest sensors. This year, Samsung might change it with a new HP2 ISOCELL 200MP sensor to give it proper value.