Samsung has announced to release One UI 6.1 version to its older models. It has also listed which devices to get the new firmware with major AI functions. Previously, rumors claimed the company would roll out new software in February, now new rumors tell a different story. As per famous leaker Benit Brushner Pro, Samsung may have postponed the actual One UI 6.1 release date to March. He first predicted it would happen in the last week of February, but it has now mentioned another date.
Another famous leaker also says the same. As per Tarun Vats on Twitter, the next major update for the Galaxy S23 series will roll out in mid-February followed by other devices. He particularly mentioned the date for March 15 to 18. There is a huge list of Galaxy phones and tablets to get new versions. In the list, not all devices will get AI functions like Galaxy A34 & Galaxy A33.